The Name the Lagotto contest was a huge success! On behalf of the “Name the Lagotto Selection Committee” we wish to thank each and every one of you for your submissions. Contest participation was tremendous and the committee was very impressed with the quality and creativity of the names. It was obvious that you put a great deal of time and thought into your submission.

The committee had a very difficult job selecting the name for the new puppy. Each and every name was carefully considered and in the end it was a very difficult choice. In the end the committee had to choose one name.

We are pleased to inform you that “CASCIA” has been selected the winner of the Name the Lagotto contest. Congratulations to Bill Starner! ;)

“Name the Lagotto” Contest Winners

First Prize and 1 Bottle of Prosecco (He will need it)
Cascia! ------------- Bill Starner

Second Prize --Tie -- Each winner receives a six pack of either Moretti or Peroni Berre
Gina Lagotto Brigetta -- Joan Toepke
For her 5 submissions---Jacki Schell

Third Prize--Tie--Each winner receives 1 homemade meatball or 1 meatball from Cortese Restaurant, Binghamton, NY
Brisighella----------Judith Martin
Canoli ------------- Kristin Nunn
Carmela ---------- Michael Kloosterboer
Giovina ----------- Kate Barry

Honorable Mention- NEW Category - Each winner receives ½ meatball or they can share one meatball.
Lucia -------------- Barb Zicari
Luna -------------- John Furey

Ineligible :( Must puppy sit 5 times upon request!
Stacia ------------- Lindsay Starner
(Lindsay, you can’t name the puppy after your sister!)

We have been talking regularly with Fabio Federici of Kennel Villa Imperiale in Italy. He informs us that Cascia had her final shots and is about to receive her European Passport. We expect her to arrive in the US within two weeks! We believe that Cascia will be the first Lagotto in the State of New Hampshire! Up to date pictures of Cascia are posted on the contest website.

A Brief History of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a rural dog with its ancestry reaching far back into Italian history. It is an ancient breed which has miraculously survived until today. Archeological sites located primarily in Northwest Italy, indicate the Lagotto evolved from a breed of small water dogs with curly hair.

The Lagotto is first identified in history during the time of the Etruscians in the 7th century BC. Drawings found in the Etruscan city of Spina (located near present Ferrara) clearly portray scenes of hunting and fishing involving a dog which is very similar to today’s Lagotto.

After the disappearance of the Etruscan civilization, there is evidence of this water dog both in the Roman and Medieval periods of history. The evidence primarily locates the Lagotto along the East coast of the Italian peninsula, raging from Ravenna in the South, through Comacchio, the Venice lowlands, and North to Friuli and the Istria cape.

Located in the wedding chamber of Ducal palace in Mantova is a fresco by Andrea Mantegna dating to 1456. On the fresco’s left side is a scene depicting a dog identical to today’s Lagotto laying at the feet of Marquis Ludovic III Gonzaga.

The name Lagotto derives from the dog’s original purpose. In the local Romagna dialect “Cán lagót” means “hairy water dog”. Thanks to its thick, hairy coat, the Lagotto was able to spend hours in the water in any weather conditions.

The Lagotto is a sturdy, small to medium height, hairy dog with a rustic appearance. They are very good watchdogs and make great companions.

This breed is well trained for locating truffles hidden in the ground. The Lagotto is able to effectively focus on locating the truffles aided by its highly tuned sense of smell. (Click here to watch a video of a Lagotto truffle hunting in Tuscany). Thanks to its natural intelligence and ease of training this breed is destined for locating truffles.

Up-to-date submitted names for the "Name the Lagotto" Contest

Here are the up-to-date submitted names for the “Name the Lagotto” Contest
Bella -------------- Jacki Schell
Brisighella--------- Judith Martin
Canoli ------------- Kristin Nunn
Cara Mia ---------- Jacki Schell
Carmela ----------- Michael Kloosterboer
Cascia ------------- Bill Starner
Contenta ---------- Jacki Schell
Emilia ------------- Nancy Starner
Gina Lagotto Brigetta -- Joan Toepke
Giovina ----------- Kate Barry
Lucia -------------- Barb Zicari
Luna -------------- John Furey
Piccola ------------ Jacki Schell
Stacia ------------- Lindsay Starner
Uziatia ------------ Jacki Schell

Kristin says a Lagotto named Canoli would be "sweet"

Mike and I have thought carefully about a name for the puppy. We came up with Canoli. We thought this name would suit her perfectly because 1) it's the best Italian dessert there is and 2) Cano is in the name ( you know the 2nd basemen for the New York Yankees).....perfect don't you think!!!!